What are the StarGold Gas Blends?

StarGold C-5 Gas Blend

This blend is used for pulsed spray transfer and short-circuiting transfer on a variety of material thicknesses. A 5% mixture may be used for GMAW-P of low alloy steels for out-of-position welding. The arc forces that develop give this mixture more tolerance to mill scale and a more controllable puddle than an argon-oxygen blend.

StarGold C-10 Gas Blend

This blend performs similarly to the StarGold C-5, but with increased heat input providing a wider, more fluid weld puddle in either short-circuit or spray transfer.

StarGold C-15 Gas Blend

This blend has been used for a variety of applications on carbon and low-alloy steels. In the short-circuit mode of transfer, maximum productivity on thin gauge metals can be achieved with this blend. This is done by minimizing the excessive melt-through tendency of higher carbon dioxide mixes, while increasing deposition rates and travel speeds. As the carbon dioxide percentages are lowered from the 20% range (maximum spray arc levels), improvements in deposition efficiency occur due to decreasing spatter loss. This blend will support the spray arc mode of transfer.

StarGold C-20 Gas Blend

May be used for short circuiting or spray transfer welding of carbon steel.

StarGold C-25 Gas Blend

This blend is commonly used for GMAW with short-circuiting transfer on low carbon steel. It was formulated to provide optimum droplet frequency on short-circuiting transfer using .035 and .045 diameter wire. Linde's StarGold C-25 operates well in high current applications on heavy base metal. It promotes good arc stability, weld pool control, and weld bead appearance. This blend will not support the spray type mode of metal transfer.

StarGold C-40 Gas Blend

This mixture is recommended for some flux-cored wires where improved arc stability and reduced spatter levels and offers improved welding penetration when compared to the StarGold C-25mixture are desirable.

StarGold C-50 Gas Blend

Is often used for short arc welding of pipe, particularly when other contaminants are present in the surfaces to be welded.