Come See How Linde Can Help You Optimize Growth at the Midwest Cannabis Business Conference – Booth 401

Apr 19, 2022, 15:44 PM by System
If you’re looking to gain invaluable insight that can help you succeed in the emerging Midwest cannabis industry, save the date and join Praxair to learn how our gas supply systems can help you grow your business.

The National Cannabis Industry Association ("NCIA"), the oldest, largest, and most influential trade association representing legal cannabis businesses, will hold its inaugural Midwest Cannabis Business Conference from September 22-23 at the TCF Center in downtown Detroit, Michigan. 

cannabis conference

The Midwest Cannabis Business Conference is the place for cannabis industry professionals, cultivators and innovators seeking to immerse themselves in the new, booming Midwest market. At the Midwest Cannabis Business conference, attendees will have the ability to network with industry leaders, find products and services to grow their cannabis business and take advantage of specially curated content focusing on the Midwest market.

More than 75 influential speakers will take the stage for keynote addresses and panel discussions with topics tailored for dispensary owners and cultivators. Tracks include Regulations and Business Services, Seed to Sale and Midwest Matters, which will cover the latest regional rules, regulations, trends and predictions for the future of cannabis in the Midwest. 

Linde Grows With You

Linde, known as Linde beginning October 11, 2021 and a member of NCIA, is excited to attend the Midwest Cannabis Business Conference. You can find our team members at expo booth 401 to learn more about how our gas supply systems can help you optimize growth and maximize yield. 

Linde’s microbulk system reliably helps provide high-quality gases throughout your facility and helps you ensure 

microbulk indoor2

optimum CO2 levels so that year-round growing conditions are optimal for productivity and plant health. With a microbulk system, there are no cylinder exchanges or downtime associated with changeouts. Your tank remains on-site, and on-board telemetry reports tank levels daily. A microbulk truck is automatically dispatched to refill your tank as needed. With a range of microbulk tank capacities available, your microbulk gas supply system can grow as your operating needs grow and evolve, providing a constant supply of gas.

If you’re looking to gain invaluable insights and best practices that can help you succeed in this emerging market, save the date and join us! Information on pricing and event registration can be found here.